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“Discovering your partner’s sexual betrayal is a devastating and traumatic experience. The anger, shock and disorientation can be overwhelming. Betrayed Partners frequently experience symptoms of PTSD as they relive the trauma while trying to make sense of the behaviors perpetrated by the person they love who is closest to them.”

Partner Betrayal Trauma Treatment

Often, they experience gaslighting by their offending partners and frequently get retraumatized by triggers all around them. Due to the shame they experience, Betrayed Partners are often unable to reach out to their usual support network which leaves them feeling isolated in their grief.

Seeking qualified support for a Betrayed Partner is crucial at this time. Understanding what you need and knowing what to ask for is instrumental in helping to restore balance as you begin to set boundaries for your emotional safety. Compassionate guidance in this journey is critical as you work through the process of healing and to restore a healthy sense of self.

A true commitment on the part of the offending spouse is instrumental in helping the Betrayed Partner heal as a couple. Despite the destructive impact to the relationship, with time and guidance, couples can develop a stronger and healthier bond than they had before discovery.

If you choose to end the relationship, the trauma inflicted does not simply disappear. You may benefit from gentle guidance as you navigate your own individual healing journey.

Regardless of the eventual outcome of your relationship, it is critical to make your own personal healing the focus and your immediate needs a priority.
